All Colvic Boat Shares for sale

Half share in a Colvic UFO 31 yacht
I'm selling a half share in my boat Skye Ryder as I don't use her as much as I used to due to other commitments. The offer is for sharing the use and ongoing mooring and maintenance costs on an equal basis. I service the engine and antifoul the boat myself to keep costs down. I am happy to teach navigation/sailing/maintenance to anyone who wants to get into sailing. Skye Ryder is a racer/cruiser Colvic UFO 31 from 1979 designed by Holman & Pye. There are 6 berths, 2 of which are pilot berths but things are much more comfortable with 3 or 4 crew at most. In addition she has a... read more

Location:Brightlingsea Essex UK
Price: £3,500 Tax Paid
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ID: 786077 (Private)

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